[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


24th August 2010

"Take complete control over the messages you allow into your conscious mind."

Brian Tracy


In a good factory there are a lot of controls. We talk about material control, production control, cost control, expenses control, manpower control etc. if there is no control on the expenditure, no matter what is the revenue, there will be no income. Revenue is different from income. If there is no income, obviously there will be no profit! Control is an important parameter to remain in balance. Whether we are walking or riding a bicycle or driving a four wheeler, losing control will result in an accident. It will through us off the balance. The principle of control also applies to the traffic in a road. Just imagine what will be situation if the traffic foes out of control. There will be confusion and calamity.

The principle of control applies to our mind also.

Our mind is a sacred place and we should take complete control of what messages enter our mind. Messages that enter our mind become thoughts and thoughts trigger our actions. If there are no thoughts, there can be no action. The way we behave in the outside world is not merely an external event. Our thoughts are the basic raw material from which our actions are made. If we don't take control of the quality of the messages that enter our mind, we will lose control of our actions and consequently our life.

You know the computer jargon `garbage in, garbage out'. Our mind is also computer. If the messages to our mind are garbage, so will be our actions!

But it is very easy to control the messages to our mind. Out of the five sensory organs two control the information flow to our mind – our eyes and ears. If only we control what we hear and see, we have control on what enters our mind. These two sensory organs can be our best friends or our worst enemies!

So make friendship with these two VIPs, for they decide the quality of your life!

Today before going to bed just do a simple exercise. Recall what all you saw and heard during the day and ask the question: did they enhance the quality of my mind or affect the quality of my mind?

N C Sridharan



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