[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


Ignited Child!

23rd August 2010

All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent.
 John F. Kennedy

We attended a programme of Dr. Glenn Doman on how to tap the full potential of children at Philadelphia. He says that every child is born genius, but we sit with them in the first six years to de-genius the child! He has years of research and hard work to support this view. Children are ready to learn much earlier than we send them to the school.

It is said that on day twelve of pregnancy, brain cells are formed! From then on till the child comes out to the outside, the neurons are formed in the brain. The first 48 months of our life is very crucial for the brain development. This means the quality of interaction the child experience with the parents and the primary teacher in a school is very important to `format' the brain of the child. In fact the brain is constantly being customized. By the time the child is six years old, the brain is almost ready and we cannot do very much after this time.

During this time the children should be encouraged to move a lot and engage in a lot of physical activities. At The Institutes for The Achievement of Human Potential, Philadelphia, we were asked to perform a very important brain stimulating exercise. Do you know what the exercise was? We were given a special suit and asked to crawl! It is said that crawling stimulates the human brain.

With this point in mind, notice how we bring up our children! Notice how many hours they are made to sit in front of a television! Notice a classroom where any movement is considered as indiscipline and punished! We feel that the roads have become very unsafe and hence we drop the children and pick them up in our car. We don't encourage them to use a bicycle. Nor do we encourage walking and running hither and thither is punished.

Early brain also needs a vestibular movement. In India we can see a mother placing a child in swing made of cloth and giving a vestibular rock. It is said such a movement helps the visual and auditory pathways of the brain.

Is there anything else we can do to stimulate the early brain?

Read further…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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