[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


12th Aug 2010

"The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age,

which means never losing your enthusiasm."

Aldous Huxley

Next time you watch children playing, notice their enthusiasm and energy and reflect what happened to all that in us! Remember your first day in a tennis court or swimming pool when you were young? Remember how you celebrated your birthday or any festival when you were young? Do you still display that energy and drive? If not, ask the question why?

The most important parameter for success is consistency of action combined with the continuous retention of your enthusiasm. This is what I learn from leaders. Success is a result of our ability to stick to one thing till we succeed regardless of intervening events which may discourage us.

The same thing applies to curiosity. Next time you meet children, especially young children, notice their curiosity. They want to know everything about everything! Notice the type of question they ask and notice that they don't give up until they get fully convinced. We were also like that when we were young. But what happened to us when we grew up?

What about our creativity? Are we as creative as we were young? Do you have the scribbling and the drawing you made when you were young? Do you still do it? Take the example of a spacecraft. What will happen if the spacecraft runs out of fuel in the middle of its journey? The same thing will be the result if you run out of enthusiasm.

N C Sridharan



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