[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st September 2010

"No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself."

Denis Waitley

There is nothing wrong in wanting to focus on our personal life and aspirations. In my time management seminars I used to say that there is nothing wrong in becoming selfish. But becoming selfish is different from being only selfish. We need to connect with others taking up some cause which concerns us all. If we are going to exist merely for our own basic needs of life, our life will become very mechanical.

Sometime we come across people with `I, me, myself' philosophy. Just imagine if everyone had remained with this philosophy. Read the history of mankind to know how many people had laid their life for the good of others. Consider the people serving the army and navy and just visualize what will happen to our security if such people withdraw from the border.

You know what is tithing? A tithe is a one-tenth of something which you set aside on your own for a charitable cause to support the society. We live in a society where there are a lot of people who need the help and patronage of people around us. Tithing need not be restricted to donating one tenth of your earning. Can you spend one tenth of your time for a cause which is greater than yourself? In a day we have twenty four hours. One tenth is a little over two hours in a day. Can we invest this time for the society? We can go to the nearest school or a hospital to serve the needy.

If you live in a small town where there about one hundred thousand adults, just imagine what one tenth of the time could cause!

We can adopt a social project to which we can contribute. Do you know one thing? Only human beings can think of tithing and thus we can also become humane beings!

N C Sridharan



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