[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


25th August 2010

Ignited Child!

Kids go where there is excitement. They stay where there is love.

Zig Ziglar

In order to tap the full intelligence of children, we have to develop their auditory pathways also. Research says that a baby in the womb can hear and even appreciate a specific music! Researchers made pregnant mothers to hear a particular music when they were pregnant, and found that when the baby came out it had a special liking for that music! Music is very important to develop the right side of the brain. I will dwell on the `right side treasure' in detail later on. Allow the children to listen to as much of music as possible.

Talking to the children is very important during the formative years. Parents should spend a lot of time talking to their children. Fifteen minutes of bed time story telling should be a daily agenda. With the television taking away most of the time, the parents as well as the children are glued to the television sets. Research says that children whose parents spoke to them maximum developed good language skills. Sitting in front of the television sets lose the precious time in not talking. When you are watching something through your eyes, you cannot speak!

Encourage children to read aloud at least fifteen minutes every day. Encourage them to participate in elocution competition and debates. Allow your child to ask questions and don't get irritated. Similarly ask questions to your children and ask them to speak out.

Here's a news for pregnant mothers. Mothers who undergo emotional and physical disturbance during pregnancy get children who have speaking problems. Some children also develop stammering, stuttering or other speaking related problems.

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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