[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


20th August 2010

Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you plan to stop peddling.

Claude Pepper

The law of nature is applicable and never fails. Every cause has an effect. You have to cause an effect and nothing happens from nothing! As long as we continue to take efforts, some result will be there. The harder we work the more we will come up in life. The lesser we work, the more we will be disheartened. We should learn from a rotating top. When you watch a top rotating fast, when it slows down, it will fall and stop. This is applicable to our life also.

There is no question of staying where you are and moving. The opposite is also true. There is no question of keep moving and staying where you are!

The bicycle example is relevant from another perspective also. No matter how good the bicycle is and how good we are in cycling, until and unless we peddle, there is no use. So is the case in our life also. We may have a wonderful project, and we may be very clear as to what we should do. We may also have all the knowledge and skill to reach our goal. The key issue is: are we acting? Mere intention and ambition will not do.

The question we need to ask is: why would we not work if we have a goal? The reason could be many. We may stop acting due to various reasons such as laziness, procrastination, complacency, lack of drive, lack of resources, lack of support, lack of confidence, lack of conviction etc.

Our reasons may be very genuine. But whatever may be the reason, if you stop, you will fall! That's the law of nature!

N C Sridharan



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