[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


13th August 2010

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

John Wooden

Just recall the products you used some ten years ago and list how many products you still continue to use. Log on to the website to know some popular organizations that ruled the world fifty years ago and find out how many still continue to exist, and if so in what shape. In your own town, recall the most popular shops that existed some thirty years ago, and check if they are still there.

As I was about to write this piece, a person came to me for a job and I was able to offer him a job in my distributorship business. But he wanted to know if the job was permanent! I explained to him that no job is permanent. Is there a thing called `normal retirement'?

This is true in any profession. The ablest lawyer will become obsolete over a period of time. So is the case with the ablest doctor or a pop star. The ablest sports person will not be able to retain his position when faced with tough competition.

Then you can ask me a question: how do we explain organizations and people who have stood the test of time? It's not the ability alone which keeps them relevant even today. It is the core values and in the case of an individual we can call it character. A favourable market condition may take an organization to the top, but it is the basic values alone which can keep it there forever.

Some example of character are: honesty, sincerity, hard work, loyalty, punctuality, integrity, timeliness etc. Can you make a list of such character which are very critical for your job at this point of time and rate how you were on these parameters five years ago and now? Check if you are sliding. If you are, stop that slode!

N C Sridharan



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